Robert N. Gaines©1998. All Rights Reserved.

A Layout of the Main Argument in Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address"

The following argument layout represents the main argument in Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address." The speech is a civic eulogy. Accordingly, besides the deliberative argument set out below, it also presented a nominal praise of the soldiers who fought and died at the battle site.

The dead gave their lives---->We honor the dead by------->We must dedicate ourselves to
for preservation of the   |   our dedication to        |  preservation of the Union and
Union.                    |   preserving the Union.    |  a new birth of freedom.
                          |                            |
Our dedication ensures----|                            |
the dead did not die                                   |
in vain.                                               |
The civil war tests---------->The task of preserving---| 
whether the Union can         the Union remains        |
endure.                       unfinished.              |
The Union is dedicated------->Preserving the Union is--|
to the proposition that   |   a great (worthy) cause.
all men are created       |
equal.                    | 
The Union is a govern- ---|
ment of, by, and for 
the people.        

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